Saturday, May 23, 2015

Hate state of love

"From my worst dreams I take my
From my worst fears  I face my life
From life I feel love
From the love that I feel I face my worst nightmares
From the ones that I love I create the love that
I cultivate
 love "

Wednesday, May 13, 2015


O dia está chuvoso
O tempo está cinza
Faz muito frio

Essa cinzenta manhã
recorda a neblina que aterrissou sobre a minha razão

Essa água que desce do céu
Recorda o líquido que do meu rosto destaca

Esse frio lembra o calor que sonhei um dia sentir
O calor que do seu corpo irradia

Nas lembranças remotas do que disse
Ficou o que fiz
E o que senti
Dessa dança de erros ficou o medo com cobertura de decepção

Com o coração na mão
Fui procurar abrigo em ombro desconhecido
Ombro comum

De um filme novo e promíscuo sobrou
A sua voz na minha cabeça

Desse filme profano de uma obra incompleta
Ficou o cenário , vazio
Nesse vazio do qual me orgulho
Ficou versos e canções; lágrimas e lamentos

Nesse filme profano
 quem amo


Sunday, May 10, 2015

Life unfold


Life unfold when you finally make a decision

and no longer is afraid of letting it



Saturday, May 2, 2015

Yan and Yin of science

There are two main states in the life of a scientist:
one is when we do not know anything at all
we accept our ignorance and let the others teach us
the second is the one in which we think we know all
and teach the others
these two cycles are the Yan and Yin of science
of a scientist life cycle
the dark and white of human intellectual evolution

it implies directly that in everything intelligence there is ignorance
and in every ignorance
there is surprisingly

Friday, May 1, 2015

Scientist compass

By knowing what you want, 
it does not necessarily mean you will be able to solve the problem at hand, 
but it can be 
a good starting point, 
and a quite nice compass.


Adap. From: The unwritten rules of PhD research, G. Rugg and M. Petre

Most PhD students know what they want
but they do not know what they need
That is why they should listen to their advisers