Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Looking at the past, it no longer makes me sad!!!

……..about ten years later, accidently finding an old email, madness of life….

Hi Vera,

Please, read this email.

I always think about you and I try to wonder what you are doing. Is she fine? I really hope so. Sometimes, I like to read about your country to remember you. I love hearing the songs  Miyatta-Veruvam vo sebe, she is perfect, she sings very well. I also love GJOKO TANESKI - Zbogum Najmila, he is just “feelingful”. I also like Dani Dimitrovska – Najdobra. There is much more, but, this is not the place.  Your “people” seems to be as wonderful as you are. You left too much great things in my life that I REFUSE to leave you in the past, let you go as a dust in the wind.